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How to Prepare and Stay Warm this Upcoming Winter


As is no surprise to those following the news, the country has no gas storage on hand making Ireland one of the worst prepared in Europe for the upcoming winter season. To make sure you’re safe and warm in the upcoming months, here are some best ways to prepare yourself and your home for the fast-approaching cold months. 

Stock up on fuel supplies

Your home

When it comes to staying warm in the summer, it’s important to have enough heating oil on hand. Depending on the temperature and size of your home, 500 litres of oil typically lasts between 3 to 4 months, however, in the winter months, will last anywhere between 2 and 3 months. With winter stretching from December to February, and the temperature starts to drop in October, it is worthwhile having 1000 litres on hand. Although, with the country having no gas storage on hand, we do not advise hoarding more than needed.

Your vehicles 

If you live in a rural area, it is advisable to have enough fuel in your vehicle in the event of an emergency. Alongside this, if you intend on maintaining your land with agricultural vehicles, make sure you have enough diesel on hand as it will become harder to source with supply chains naturally slowing down. 

Can you heat your house with your car?

No. Whilst common knowledge, a cold house can see anyone resort to anything they think will heat up the house. Using your car is not a suitable solution for this and will release poisonous fumes into your environment which can result in deadly consequences. 

Alternative methods of heating

Cars are certainly not a solution to house heating, but there are other alternatives to home oil that will keep you warm this winter. 

Wear more layers of clothing

Making the most out of what you already have by wearing more layers of clothing during the day and sleeping with more blankets at night can be an easy and cheap way to stay warm. 

Insulate your home

Insulating your home in time for the winter is a great way to keep the heat in and whilst it can be an expensive cost to bear at the start, it is a great way to reduce your long-term heating expenditures. Additionally, adding insulation around your pipes will help a great deal in stopping them from freezing or bursting, saving you money and stress in the future. 

Block holes

A lot of heat escapes through walls and gaps in your house which is why it’s incredibly important to block off any holes that you are aware of. Not only does this prevent the heat from escaping and cold from entering but it also stops rodents like mice or rats from entering your home in attempts to find heat. 

Other alternatives

If your windows are still single-glazed, upgrading to double-glazing windows will help you retain a significant amount of heat, saving your energy consumption in the process.

Having emergency heat supplies on hand, such as a fire start and firewood, is a great way to stay warm if you have a sudden burst pipe or power outage. 

If you can afford it, investing in solar panels and making the most of the heat is a great way to store energy, with most panels able to retain energy for around 18 years

Stay prepared

To get prepared for the winter, select your county and required litres and order today. If you would like to find out more on how you can best prepare for the winter months, be sure to get in touch with a member of the Kenny Fuels team. 

With energy prices continuing to rise, it’s best to stay on top of your usage every season, read our seasonal energy tips blog to find out more on how you can make the most of your energy in Spring, Summer and Autumn.

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